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Types of Electrolysis : Galvanic Electrolysis


Well suited for curly hairs, or clients with minimal treatment areas.

Galvanic Electrolysis is the first modality invented for permanent hair removal.  It was developed to remove problematic eyelashes.  This method uses a slight DC Electrical current to convert salts and moisture in the hair follicle to a lye, which melts the connection to the tiny blood capillaries feeding the hair root. This modality is the slowest of all types of Electrolysis, and can take multiple seconds up to multiple minutes of current application to successfully treat each hair. The upside to Galvanic is it has the highest rate of successfully treated follicles per treatment session. 



Types of Electrolysis : Thermopolis Electrolysis


Best on straight hairs, and for clients with excessive amounts of hairs to remove.

The most commonly used form of Electrolysis is Thermolysis. It is fast, fractions of a second of treatment time is needed. This modality uses Alternating Current electricity to create heat at the tip of the probe, cauterizing the blood supply from the hair root. Probe insertion is critical for effective and more comfortable treatments. 

Types of Electrolysis : Blend Electrolysis


 Blend Electrolysis provides a faster result than Galvanic, with less accuracy needed than Thermolysis.  This modality might be useful for curly hair clients who have excessive amounts of hair to be removed, or straight hair clients that have varying depths of follicles.  There are multiple variations of Blend Electrolysis that can be utilized for specific purposes and on certain clients.  

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